[OpenFOAM] 编程基础 05 Basic field operations

发布于 2023-05-07  618 次阅读

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#include "fvCFD.H"

// This is a function declaration; this method will calculate some scalar value
// given the current time, location in space x, and a reference point x0. The
// function also accepts a scaling factor, scale.
// The actual implementation, or definition, is given at the end of this code.
scalar calculatePressure(scalar t, vector x, vector x0, scalar scale);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #include "setRootCase.H"
    #include "createTime.H"
    #include "createMesh.H"


1. 读取字典文件(transportProperties为例)

    Info << "Reading transportProperties\n" << endl;

    IOdictionary transportProperties
            "transportProperties", // name of the dictionary
            runTime.constant(), // location in the case - this one is in constant
            mesh, // needs the mesh object reference to do some voodoo - unimportant now
            IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED, // the file will be re-read if it gets modified during time stepping
            IOobject::NO_WRITE // read-only

    // Create a scalar constant for kinematic viscosity by reading the value from the dictionary.
    dimensionedScalar nu  // 定义有量纲标量
        "nu", // name of the variable
        dimViscosity,     // 定义量纲
        transportProperties.lookup("nu") // takes the value from the dictionary and returns it, passing it to the object constructor as an argument


grep -r dimViscosity $FOAM_SRC/OpenFOAM/


/opt/openfoam8/src/OpenFOAM/dimensionSet/dimensionSets.C: const dimensionSet dimViscosity(dimArea/dimTime);
/opt/openfoam8/src/OpenFOAM/dimensionSet/dimensionSets.C: const dimensionSet dimDynamicViscosity(dimDensity*dimViscosity);
/opt/openfoam8/src/OpenFOAM/dimensionSet/dimensionSets.H: extern const dimensionSet dimViscosity;


        const dimensionSet dimLength(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        const dimensionSet dimTime(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        const dimensionSet dimArea(sqr(dimLength));
        const dimensionSet dimViscosity(dimArea/dimTime);*/


        // This is what gets used here. But, an alternative would be to type in the units directly:

2. 读取场数据(以时间步文件夹中的压力p和速度U文件为例)

这一节的代码以时间步文件夹中的压力p和速度U文件为例,展示了数据的场读取过程,具体读取的文件所在时间步文件夹由system/controlDict (i.e. latestTime, startTime, etc.)指定。在OpenFOAM中,速度、压力等场数据是存储在单元中心的,因此变量初始化是采用的是vol<Type>Field

These read the fields p and U from the time folders, as specified in system/controlDict (i.e. latestTime, startTime, etc.)

    Info<< "Reading field p\n" << endl;
    volScalarField p // note that pressure is a scalar field
            "p", // name of the field
            runTime.timeName(), // current time name, i.e. the time folder to read from
            IOobject::MUST_READ, // always gets imported, will throw an error if the field is missing
            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE // will get saved automatically when the controlDict parameters will request it
        mesh // initialises the field to match the size of the mesh with default (0) values


    Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
    volVectorField U // note that velocity is a vector field


让我们首先定义一个向量作为计算的原点(originVector),其值在程序执行过程中不会改变。然后我们计算距离原点最远处的那个网格单元中心点到原点的距离。具体实现时,首先计算所有网格的中心点(采用mesh.C() 获取)到原点的距离,然后取最大值。

Let us define a vector whose values will not change over the course of the program execution.


    const vector originVector(0.05,0.05,0.005);

    // Calculate the distance from the origin to the cell centre furthest away.
    // In Python, this is equivalent to: np.sqrt(np.sum((x0-x)**2))
    // The .value() method is called to convert from a dimensionedScalar to a regular scalar.
    const scalar rFarCell = max(
        mag(dimensionedVector("x0",dimLength,originVector)-mesh.C())  //
        ).value(); // convert to dim-less scalar


This part of the code performs time stepping loops as long as required by the simulation.

    Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;

    // This will increment the current time automatically
    while (runTime.loop())
        Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;

        // Loop over all cells in the mesh and calculate the pressure value.
        for (label cellI=0; cellI<mesh.C().size(); cellI++)
            // cellI describes a series of integers, each corresponding to an index of an individual cell in the grid.

            // Call the method and compute p.
            // Note how mesh.C() and p elements are accessed by using the [] operators, as in a regular C array.
            // .value() is also called to convert the time to a dim-less scalar
            p[cellI] = calculatePressure(runTime.time().value(), mesh.C()[cellI], originVector, rFarCell);


另外,我们也可以操作边界面的场数据,会在后面的教程中讲到。 一旦我们有了压力场数据p,就可以使用fvc::grad(p)计算压力梯度,进一步得到速度场U了。此处需要注意的是,压力梯度grad(p)的单位不是m/s。所以我们乘以一个单位时间变量dimensionedScalar("tmp",dimTime,1.),使之成为如此。当然,这只是为了说明这个问题。

NOTE: a more appropriate way to calculate things in OpenFOAM is through performing operations on field objects and not iterating cell-by-cell, where possible. How to do this has been shown above, where rFarCell is being computed. The iterative approach has been presented for completeness and to illustrate certain basic features, but is, generally, discouraged, unless absolutely necessary.

NOTE: it is also possible to interact with boundary face values, but this will be addressed in a separate tutorial. Next we calculate the gradient of p and substitute for U. Note that the units of grad(p) are not m/s, so we multiply by a unit time variable to make them so. This is just for illustration purposes, of course.

        // The result will point either towards or away from the origin, depending on the sign of the time varying "pressure".
        U = fvc::grad(p)*dimensionedScalar("tmp",dimTime,1.);

        // If requested by controlDict, save the fields to files.

3. 压力函数

p=\frac{sin \left( 2 \pi t \right)}{r}

// definition of the custom function
scalar calculatePressure(scalar t, vector x, vector x0, scalar scale)
    // Calculates the distance between the base point and x, which is given by the magnitude (hence the name mag)
    // of the vector between x0 and x. The value is scaled by the passed factor, with the intention of making
    // it vary between 0 and 1.
    scalar r (mag(x-x0)/scale);

    // Calculate the inverse of r and apply a limiter to avoid dividing by zero.
    scalar rR (1./(r+1e-12));

    // definition of a frequency
    scalar f (1.);

    // Return a sinusoidally varying pressure with maximum at x0.
    // Note how we call the OpenFOAM sin method by referring to the Foam namespace.
    // This is done to differentiate between the native cpp implementation of a method with the same name
    // and thus avoid an ambiguous expression.
    return Foam::sin(2.*Foam::constant::mathematical::pi*f*t)*rR;


Best to visualize the results by plotting p iso-contours with range (-10,10) and applying a glyph filter to the U field in Paraview.

4. 案例文件下载

Everything not saved will be lost.
最后更新于 2023-05-07