
发布于 2023-09-15  474 次阅读

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download link:https://www.pointofix.de/download.php

德国开发的免费标记软件,体积小巧,安装与否都可以使用。开始安装时是德语版本,但可以加载外置语言包。非常适合灌注实验忘记标记上方spacing lines时使用。
如果安装使用,直接选择默认选项,持续next step。


  1. 点击桌面上Pointofix的快捷方式图标,鼠标右键属性,打开安装目录。

    2.将解压后的语言包文件中选定的语言ini文件,比如简体中文pointofix_translation_zh-cc.ini或英文pointofix_translation_en.ini,将其改名为 pointofix_translation.ini 放到安装目录中。重启软件后就可以使用了。
    First install the german Pointofix version. Then copy the desired translation file from the language pack into the Pointofix directory and name the file to pointofix_translation.ini. Then restart Pointofix. You'll find further information in the readme file within the language pack.

Remark: If your windows system doesn't show file extensions, then you should remember, that there's a difference between the filename you see and the real filename. So if your language doesn't work, try to delete the ".ini" extension and just name the file to "pointofix_translation" because your system will add the ".ini" extension automatically.



zeichenstift=draw pen-画笔

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最后更新于 2024-01-23